Sep 15

Enabling Scope Nights Upgrades on Multiple iOS Devices

Enabling Scope Nights Upgrades On Multiple iOS Devices

A Scope Nights upgrade is what Apple calls an “in-app purchase”, which is a license that belongs to your iCloud account and enables you to activate extra content within apps, just as an iOS app purchase gives your iCloud account a license to use that app. The particular type that Scope Nights upgrades use is called a “non-consumable” in-app purchase, […]

Sep 14

Scope Nights: Astronomy Weather 2.2

Scope Nights: Astronomy Weather App

[callout][three_fourth] Scope Nights: Astronomy Weather 2.2 is now available on the Apple App Store [/three_fourth] [one_fourth_last][button color=’magenta’ size=’medium’ link=’′]Download Now[/button][/one_fourth_last] [/callout] Scope Nights 2.2 focuses on iOS9 compatibility and performance, and much of the code has been refactored to 64-bit, ensuring the app takes advantage of speed improvements offered by newer 64-bit devices. Scope Nights 2.2 also includes bug […]

Mar 16

Where’s The App Store Astronomy Category?

Scope Nights Astronomy Weather has been on the Apple App Store for nearly two years now, but there is still no Astronomy Category for my app. So I have had to place it in the Weather Category which is very misleading as it’s primary purpose is an astronomy observing and planning aid and not just […]

Jul 22

Making Scope Nights: Astronomy Weather Reports with Xamarin

Scope Nights: Astronomy Weather Reports will be one year old in August 2013, so I thought I’d write a little bit about my experience in order to try and help new app developers and also to highlight the amount of work that goes into creating a mobile app. I started writing Scope Nights in Spring […]

Jul 3


Hi, I’m from a 2000 year old roman city called Chester situated just south of Liverpool, England. From an early age science, technology and multimedia have always been passions of mine… I bought my first astronomical telescope in 1980, a small 60mm refractor, and once I’d gazed upon Saturn as a tiny cosmic jewel in […]