About Egg Moon Studio
I’ve always been interested in science and technology from an early age, and after seeing Saturn as a tiny cosmic jewel through my first small scope I was hooked. I initially worked in the Met Office, observing and mapping weather conditions at international airports, which included a stint in the Falkland Islands where the dark skies were amazing. I then went on to study for a BSc Honours Degree in Astrophysics with a dissertation on galactic spectra, and this was published in the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Ref. Sansom A C, Peace G, Dodd M, 1994, MNRAS, 271, 39, Line-Strength Gradients In The Bulge Components of NGC 3190 and 1023). I’ve also studied Software Technology at Liverpool University, and subsequently worked as a software engineer for various private & public sector businesses.
After quite a few years of software industry experience under my belt, I decided to merge my experiences and interests and create Egg Moon Studio. Whilst it’s been challenging it’s also been very rewarding. Creating an astronomy weather app was an easy decision to make with interests in meteorology, astronomy & software. I was also tired of sifting through conventional weather apps, trying to find the night-time forecasts to decide whether to set up my scope, and so Scope Nights was born.
Scope Nights has had great reviews from many well respected astronomy magazines and also received an award from Sky & Telescope Magazine. I’ve also had lots of encouraging comments and feedback for new features, and Scope Nights has received great reviews in the App Store. Please follow Egg Moon Studio on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram if you would like to hear about the latest app developments and astronomy & weather related news. And if you need technical assistance or have a general enquiry please visit the Egg Moon Support Page. I’m an independent developer and rely on recommendations and ratings to continue developing apps, so if you enjoy using an app and would like to see new features and continued support, please leave a good rating on the App Store.
Thanks for your support,