Despite a global pandemic and recession over the last few years, Scope Nights still survives and the Milky Way is still spinning. Unfortunately app development was affected by the pandemic and my eyes and lungs took a battering… I’ve lost count of the times we’ve all caught Covid, with the latest variant taking 4 months […]
Milky Way photography is a blend of art and science, and image processing is difficult as cameras filter out the red light produced by hydrogen emissions. So we only capture a very limited amount of colour in the nebulae, and images need a lot of restoration to bring out faint colours and details hidden in […]
After much deliberation, and in an effort to do more stargazing and astrophotography instead of virtual stargazing on the iPad, I decided it was time to get a new telescope! Finding the right telescope is a tough task as they vary so much in both size, weight and quality and some are easier to setup than […]
Thought I’d post a few photos of the recent transit of Mercury across the Sun to show what can be done with a small telescope and a solar filter. Despite the wind buffeting the scope, I managed to capture a few sharp photos that show some surface detail. In hindsight I should have used my […]
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015 Despite being surrounded by light polluting street lights, I managed to capture a few photos of the supermoon lunar eclipse. From the end of totality to the receding earth shadow on the lunar surface. A supermoon occurs when a full moon or a new moon coincides with the closest approach the moon makes […]
Partial Solar Eclipse 2015 Thought I’d share a few of my favourite photos of todays partial solar eclipse from Liverpool, UK. Taken with just my digital camera and a tripod. Luckily the clouds rolled in and they acted as a filter and took a lot of the glare away. As the Moon covered more and more of the […]